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Current show

Music Submissions Guidelines & FAQs

Please read before contacting the Music Director with your questions!

Who is CFUV’s Music Director?
The one and only, Troy Lemberg, is CFUV’s Music Director for all formats (rock, folk/roots/blues, hip hop, electronic, jazz, world, metal, classical, etc.)

Contact Information:
(250) 721-8700

Tracking: Email/Phone. Tracking hours Thursdays 11am-5pm PST.

Submission Guidelines

Basic Requirements

How to submit

Local releases!

If you need to send a physical copy


What happens after I send in my submission?

Does CFUV place new music on rotation/in a playlist?

Why do you pass on some submissions?

How would I know if my album was added or getting played?

We’re a local band! Is it cool if we send you our music?

I have a gig coming up! Will CFUV tell listeners about it?

I’m coming through on tour, does CFUV do in-studio performances?

Can I get a list of show hosts at CFUV?

How much music do you receive at CFUV?

What charts does CFUV contribute to?

Will you take a peak at our bands website/bandcamp/soundcloud? We’d like some feedback!

My question isn’t covered in the above list. What do I do?