Current show

Upcoming show

Bollywood India

2:00 pm 3:00 pm

Current show

Upcoming show

Bollywood India

2:00 pm 3:00 pm

Magnetic Field

organic, lukewarm, palmy, tight, roasted

Scheduled on

Monday 8:00 pm 9:00 pm

Host: Anna

Tagged as , , , ,
Description: It's the bar nuts you need. Trail mix. Hiker's mix. Sailor's mix. Magnetic Field is a music show that thrives in chaos, its purpose is to help the audience to reboot their system. Feeling emotionally challenged? Here is music that will speak for you. Has it been a long day? Now it's more like a long island. It is a way of connecting yourself to your surroundings, high or low. Get into it, dig in. The program is here to help you fight the Monday sickness and recharge your energy. Creating space for both the audience and artists to meet their potential.


If you're interested getting involved in CFUV and joining the program schedule visit our volunteer page!

Listen to a STREAM of last week's program:
