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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-01-09 10:49:00

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Настроение: amused
Музыка:Boards of Canada
Entry tags:gamedev

Isometric Perspective is Too Hard for Zoomers
Some idiot complains sim games using isometry is a bad tradition, because he couldn't grasp it:

There are several algorithms to sort isometric objects for draw order and the ability to perform isometric art correlates directly with one's art and tech skills. Professional artists have no issue drawing isometry by hand or setting up a 3ds max camera for isometry. His case is in the simplest one since no Z coord is involved.

That is what you get from dumbing down math education.

(Добавить комментарий)

2024-01-09 15:45 (ссылка)
What I would agree with him with is that boomer devs with X-Com imprinting syndrome like yourself use isometric sprites to get "poorman's 3D with sprites", to get second, third floor, depth etc, instead of going with full 3d graphics engine, which would also allow for free camera rotation in isometric projection, or even just top down perspective projection.

>ability to perform isometric art correlates directly with one's art and tech skills.
>dumbing down math education.

modern gamedev's tech skills and math education correlate with the ability to perform what's written in the "Real-Time Rendering" and "Physically based rendering" books, not with this ancient "craft".

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2024-01-09 23:40 (ссылка)
Visual representation is the smallest part of woes, far overshadowed by the nuances of representing space and time in a fun and gamey way. Adding more noise wont help the signal. Now, begone!

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2024-01-10 12:45 (ссылка)
>Visual representation is the smallest part

Одно другому не мешает, и коммерческий успех всё равно зависит от графики. Графика в скриншотах и трейлерах оставляет first impression. 2D графика сейчас должна быть гениального уровня чтоб привлечь внимание, и вообще говоря не противоречит использованию 3d акселерации (Don't together например, потому что добавляет smoothness всяким транзишенам, скроллингу, эффектам итп.

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2024-01-10 14:35 (ссылка)
*(Don't starve together)

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2024-01-09 16:28 (ссылка)
>Some idiot complains ..., because he couldn't grasp it

a perfect representation of your own complains

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2024-01-09 16:41 (ссылка)
Obviously he's unable to introspect.

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