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LISP Puzzles

123 2020-05-20 19:40

I removed some silly mistakes and changed the sum to be calculated during sequence. According to my amateurish measurements it reduced the runtime to around 80% of the previous version.

(use-modules (ice-9 q))

(define (sequence n)
  (let* ((rs (make-q))                  ; Queue of R values.
         (ss (make-q))                  ; Queue of S values.
         (r 7)                          ; Current R value.
         (s 5)                          ; Current S value.
         (len 1)                        ; Length of queues.
         (negsum -7)                    ; Negative sum of R queue.
         (pos 3)                        ; Smallest n in the queues.
         (n (- n 1)))                   ; Off by one.
    (enq! rs r)
    (enq! ss s)
    (let loop ((i 4))
      (when (<= (+ s r) (+ i n))
        (set! r (+ r s))
        (set! s (+ s 1))
        (set! negsum (- negsum r))
        (when (= s (q-front rs))
          (set! negsum (+ negsum s))
          (set! s (+ s 1))
          (set! len (- len 1))
          (set! pos (+ pos 1))
          (deq! ss)
          (deq! rs))
        (enq! rs r)
        (enq! ss s)
        (loop (+ i 1))))
    (list pos len negsum (cadr rs) (cadr ss))))

(define (sum m n)
  (* (/ (- m n -1) 2) (+ m n)))

(define (jump n)
   ((= n 1) 1)
   ((= n 2) 3)
   ((= n 3) 7)
   ((= n 4) 12)
    (let* ((seq (sequence n))
           (m   (list-ref seq 0))
           (l   (list-ref seq 1))
           (ns  (list-ref seq 2))
           (r'  (list-ref seq 3))
           (s'  (list-ref seq 4))
           (n'  (+ m l -1))
           (s   (+ s' (- n n') l)))
      (+ r' (sum (- s 1) s') ns)))))

I have Guile 3.0.0 and statprof does not crash for me, it just complains that it has a hard time making sense of the stack. It still produces some output but I am not sure if it can be trusted.

124 2020-05-20 19:53

I think I found a performance improvement in my implementation by integrating an idea from my previous version. I'll rerun the timings after that, I'll continue to not use `statprof' as it seems pretty sketchy in general as you mention.



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