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LISP Puzzles

56 2020-04-18 21:20 *

Oh no, I don't have one. I don't have a peer reviewed paper on mathematical foundations by Jorge Louis Borges either.
Bruteforcing the Diophantine equation x^3 + y^3 + z^3 = 42 merely took a million computing hours and not 7,5 millions years as Douglas Adams stated. And Douglas Adams had a much more powerful computer at his disposal*.

I wasn't even aware that Hofstadter, Adams and Borges were mathematicians or programmers. I always thought of them as novelists. What I could provide you with, however, are countless negative critics of Hofstadter's novel Gödel, Escher, Bach describing it as a ludicrous and unscientific entertainment.

If that wasn't a genuine question but your way to ask to get back on topic, I don't know if the OEIS publish what they believe is the optimal way to generate each sequences. >>36 is more efficient than Cristian Frâncu, Phd, Software Engineer at Google's proposal. So >>36 beats him. Hofstadter wasn't even playing AFAIK.

[*] https://www.livescience.com/diophantine-42-solved-meaning-of-life.html



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