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LISP Puzzles

76 2020-05-07 00:02

Here is the corrected version of >>67. As explained above it uses partial S-groups when switching S-group order and eliminates the lower loops. The runtime is now properly O(n^(1/8)), as backed by >>75.

def work_seq3_cheat (start, count, nleft, coverfun):
   wantlow = coverfun (start, 1)
   if wantlow > nleft:
      return (0, 0)

   low, high = 1, count
   diff = high - low

   while diff > 1:
      now  = (low + high) // 2
      want = coverfun (start, now)

      if want <= nleft:
         low     = now
         wantlow = want
         high    = now

      diff = high - low

   return (low, wantlow)

def work_seq4 (n):
   seq3covered = seq3_covered
   seq3inc     = seq3_inc
   seq4next    = seq2_next
   seq3sum1sc  = seq3_sum1sc
   seq4covered = seq4_covered
   seq4inc     = seq4_inc

   levels       = []
   R, S0, S1    = 3, 4, 4
   start, count = 4, 3
   advance      = seq4covered (start, count, S1)
   covered      = 2 + advance

   while covered <= n:
      incR, incS0, incS1 = seq4inc (start, count, S0, S1, advance)
      R  += incR
      S0 += incS0
      S1 += incS1
      start, count = seq4next (levels, 0)
      advance      = seq4covered (start, count, S1)
      covered     += advance

   print ("levels:", len (levels))

   covered -= advance
   used, advance = work_seq3_cheat (
      start, count, n - covered,
      lambda s, c: seq4covered (s, c, S1))

   if used > 0:
      incR, incS0, incS1 = seq4inc (start, used, S0, S1, advance)
      R  += incR
      S0 += incS0
      S1 += incS1
      covered += advance

   fakelevels    = [[start, count, used, S1]]
   start, count  = seq4next (fakelevels, 0)
   used, advance = work_seq3_cheat (
      start, count, n - covered, seq3covered)

   if used > 0:
      incR, incS0 = seq3inc (start, used, S0)
      R  += incR
      S0 += incS0
      covered += advance

   fakelevels   = [[start, count, used, S0]]
   start, count = seq4next (fakelevels, 0)
   nleft        = n - covered

   if nleft > 0:
      R += seq3sum1sc (start, nleft)

   return R

Here are the updated timings, all in vanilla python.
- The u64 overflow R(10^10) is computed in under 100 microseconds.
- The u128 overflow R(10^20) is computed in under 2 milliseconds.
- R(10^30) is computed in under 40 milliseconds.
- The u256 overflow R(10^39) is computed in just over 500 milliseconds.

$ python3 -m timeit -s 'import flake.hofs as mod' 'mod.work_seq4 (10000000000)'
10000 loops, best of 3: 96.6 usec per loop
$ python3 -m timeit -s 'import flake.hofs as mod' 'mod.work_seq4 (100000000000000000000)'
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.81 msec per loop
$ python3 -m timeit -s 'import flake.hofs as mod' 'mod.work_seq4 (1000000000000000000000000000000)'
10 loops, best of 3: 35.9 msec per loop
$ python3 -m timeit -s 'import flake.hofs as mod' 'mod.work_seq4 (1000000000000000000000000000000000000000)'
10 loops, best of 3: 527 msec per loop

R(10^39) is a good value for comparing implementations with this order of growth. Here is the k<=60 table in >>38 format.



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