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LISP Puzzles

95 2020-05-17 15:46


You might be interested in the iota procedure.

I haven't programmed for a fairly long time, so I'm very rusty (I even forgot about named lets), but even when I did program regularly I always forgot about iota.

[member] is the part that holds back the speed. If you look at your final S, you will find that it grows roughly like the square root of R. But for each S jump test you are searching the entire R storage from the highest value downwards. You can tell exactly which R value will be hit by the next S jump and avoid searching entirely.

I sort of figured all that when I wrote it, I was just trying to write in the most stupid intuitive way possible to try to understand the sequence, and I guess for others to understand it. I might play the optimisation game, but I'll probably mostly play from the sidelines, lurking and what not. I have no where near the skills of you guys here, and I don't want to distract from the discussion. Anyway, this morning and last night I did write a more optimised version (still slow) I'd be willing to share, and cleaned up my original further, I was able to hit 10^7 on my machine in a reasonable time-frame.

The basic ideas were to reverse R keeping a pointer to the end, to remove values from the head of R once they've been used to construct S, and to stop growing R once it's clear the values won't be needed to construct S[n] (I still need to actually find when this is the case exactly).

;; clean
(define (hofstadter n)
  (let H ((i (- n 1)) (R '(1)) (S 2))
       (cond ((zero? i) (car R))
             ((member S R)
              (H (- i 1) (cons (+ (car R) S 1) R) (+ S 2)))
             (else (H (- i 1) (cons (+ (car R) S) R) (+ S 1))))))

;; faster
(define (hofstadter n)
  (let ((r0 (list 1)))
    (let H ((i (- n 1)) (r r0) (R r0) (S 1))
         (letrec ((R! (lambda (n) (set-cdr! r (list (+ (car r) S n))))))
           (cond ((zero? i) (car r))
                 ((> (car r) (* n 2)) ; this is very conservative
                  (let E ((i i) (r (car r)) (R R) (S S))
                       (cond ((zero? i) r)
                             ((= (car R) S)
                              (E (- i 1) (+ r S 1) (cdr R) (+ S 2)))
                             (else (E (- i 1) (+ r S) R (+ S 1))))))
                 ((= (car R) S)
                  (begin (R! 1) (H (- i 1) (cdr r) (cdr R) (+ S 2))))
                  (begin (R! 0) (H (- i 1) (cdr r) R (+ S 1)))))))))

(map (lambda (e) (hofstadter (expt 10 e))) (iota 8))
=> (1 69 5764 526334 50874761 5028514748 500918449417 50029364025646)
;; (1 69 5764 526334 50874761 5028514748 500918449417 50029364025646)


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