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Suckless-like Community for Scheme/Lisp

29 2020-06-08 13:52 *

I've used wmii before dwm and I don't miss any of the features, even though I created a lot of custom scripts for wmii taking profit of the 9P filesystem interface. I've configured dwm once, maybe 10 years ago, and haven't felt the need to change anything since then. I use these 3 patches: noborder, pertag and attachbottom. run-recent makes completions smart enough for dmenu and and gives me the ability to launch a command in a terminal (I really don't need that, I just run the command from a terminal)

The fact that dwm isn't configurable while running suits me well, I am not one who change habits easily. My setup is perfect for running xterm in fullscreen. It's like a glorified console, with better Truetype fonts and the ability to launch graphical programs (Gimp, feh, mpv, mupdf, QEMU, Vinagre, Mumble, Palemoon and Chromium would be an exhaustive list)

Customizations of the X11 server are done in .Xdefaults, .Xmodmap and .xbindkeysrc, they're only slightly modified once, when I get a new computer but they could all be redefined and relaunched while X is running. (xbindkeys is configurable in Scheme btw)

I'm sure there are many interesting Window Managers but I don't have the time to try them and I'd have to configure them to reproduce the settings I already have in dwm which would be a total waste of time.

Maybe I lack imagination and an extension language could provide me with features I had never thought of. Embedding Guile is not hard and I'd still be interested to see what you did in case you tackle that project. You could also ditch dwm completely and try that Guile framework for creating WMs: https://github.com/mwitmer/guile-wm



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