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GNU coreutils rewritten in Rust

21 2020-09-04 13:11 *


I don't have hope it's already been happening, expect web hdl being the norm for harware design.

If you look at it (as a Hegelian) dialectically it makes sense for WWW to subsume hardware. I think that would be something like web assembly implemented in hardware with vendor specific extensions or even heterogeneous multiprocessing of some sort. What's not clear to me is how this will reflect in software, for example it seems to already be the case that the momentum of Node.js has been subsumed by languages which can compile to Javascript such as Clojure and ReasonML, I can't see Javascript re-emerging on the server side in a context where these languages exist. Something that might be interesting is a move towards continuation-based web frameworks in these languages which can compile to Javascript. In this world everything would be sort of tacitly modified by the assumptions of the WWW, but WWW would in some sense remain distinct, sort of like how UNIX tacitly modifies anything that runs in its environment, even though most application on UNIX systems don't fully ad hear to the values.



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