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A Lisp hacker

129 2022-01-30 18:39 *


QVOD AVDĪTVR POST FVLGVR (what is heard after lightning)

The tense makes it seem a very empirical question.

Imagine a band of secretive men being discovered, and one yelling out AVDĪMINĪ (we are heard).

The terseness is very nice, especially sense terseness often allows for speaking with so much more passion. I'd somehow forgotten just how inflected verbs are in Latin.

I don't want to go through my Latin book too quickly, but I'm going through it at a pace of one chapter per month currently.

I'll give pacing some thought.

I'm memorizing the book in addition to learning the language in which it's written.

This might be just as important to learning the language. Culture and idioms are a large part of what allows us to communicate.

I'd still be interested in thine opinion on it, despite this >>126 post.

Of course.

I occasionally think about how I wouldn't've had many or any of my nicer ideas, had I learned from such an authority figure. I'm not advising against going, but do keep this in mind.

You said this in the logs; I'll try to keep it in mind. A computer science masters simply presents the best opportunity to improve in an area of interest while plausibly granting access to compelling employment in a reasonable time-frame. It wasn't an easy decision to arrive at as all things equal I think I'd prefer to continue studying math or take up physics.

I wonder what I should do to get more readers; I've had more traffic in 2021 than in 2020, but still far less than in 2019.

http://lobste.rs is far better than those mentioned if you could appeal your ban. I no longer read it myself however. The feed aggregator http://planet.lisp.org comes to mind; perhaps there are similar specialized aggregators for the other languages you use. If your language design work continues http://lambda-the-ultimate.org might be relevant.



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