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A Lisp hacker

36 2020-07-10 13:36 *

I do agree that he lacks humility, and this is a major character flaw. In his defense I will say he's only about as fascist as Singapore, and the Lisp thread series predates his website by a good bit (it predates lainchan as well if I remember correctly), and he's willing to talk about anything programming related if you catch him on IRC. Further, I don't think his hubris was the only reason he was banned from Lobste.rs (although it surely didn't help), but more for his disagreement with pretty much every value of the community that uses that site. You just can't hate the web, UNIX, and virtually all other modern computation in a community basically designed for the promotion of these things for another example see the following: https://dev.to/shamar/i-have-been-banned-from-lobsters-ask-me-anything-5041 The reason I say this is because he has four times as many comments as posts, and his stories typically had fairly positive feedback in contrast to his comments: https://lobste.rs/threads/verisimilitude



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