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A Lisp hacker

98 2021-09-26 04:44 *


I'll write of the experience soon, but typing seems to be a fundamentally unpleasant activity.

I'll read your review of course; I wonder how handwriting recognition is these days?

This is the only relevant work I've finished lately; it does serve to better display a toki pona Elision than the Common Lisp ever could: http://verisimilitudes.net/2021-09-21

I did read this, but I sadly have no APL knowledge. Truthfully I should probably wget your website and work through everything.

I did misunderstand, sorry about that. I'm glad to hear you've progressed in your Latin studies. Unfortunately my progress has been poor. I've read around one hundred more pages of A New English Grammar, and I've yet to reach the historical aspect. I read two other books in this time, and started two more beyond these. Evidently I'm misallocating my reading. I'm disappointed.



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