[ prog / sol / mona ]


Ease of Use as a Barrier to Entry

21 2020-06-20 13:16 *


Why do you think the Dead Kennedys had to write that song?

I'm glad you asked.
Maybe, because when you're a millionaire, and you earned all that money by selling mind-numbing mass culture products, such as vinyl disks, to the imbecilic children of the white middle-class, all that's left to pretend you're into class struggle is anti-racism. A song like ``Jewish music producers fuck off'' wouldn't have cut it. Even if punks wearing swastikas was their marketing idea, to begin with.


The swastika also caused an argument between two Jewish manager/theorists of punk, the Pistols' Malcolm McLaren, and his friend, the Clash's svengali, Bernie Rhodes. Fast-talking McLaren embraced being what my late mother called "a disgrace to the race".

Activist, artist and punk chronicler Caroline Coon recalls rehearsals for the 100 Club's first punk festival in 1976. Malcolm started handing out swastika armbands he'd had made. Siouxsie of the Banshees put one on right away and some of the Pistols seemed ready to follow suit. Aghast, Rhodes blurted out that if anyone wore swastikas onstage, they couldn't use the Clash's instruments as planned. The Clash backed him up. The gig went on. No swastikas.



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