[ prog / sol / mona ]


Ease of Use as a Barrier to Entry

31 2020-06-22 21:31 *

The nice thing about talking in person is there's no record besides your hazy memories. If you are from a country that you feel talks way too much, then you are from a shithole country unless the problem is normalfags which are universal.

What you really long for is an internet without poor people. Nothing will ever bring that back.

My only preference is to hear from people who recognize and acknowledge basic concepts of the medium that they are using to express their ideas even if they don't practice it themselves.

The thing is the internet is part of people's daily lives now whether they want it to be or not. Are you going to go after someone who just wants a online webshop to supplement their physical storefront?

What's more important: the fact that someone is right or that they're right but for the wrong reasons?



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