[ prog / sol / mona ]


When everything isn't just a file.

8 2020-09-12 18:00


Why have a filesystem, when a sea of persistent objects is a much nicer way to think about it?

I'm sure this isn't controversial in these parts, but I really want a tag based filesystem that allows for arbitrary links between files (including at different points within the file), viewing the backlinks to files, and for files including those over the network to be treated no differently than variables. org-roam, and org-noter allow for a cheap proof of concept with regards to epub, pdf, and org files, for the first part of this request but I want more. It doesn't really provide a nice way for me to link my projects to my notes, and it doesn't allow for tagging of resources, or projects. Does anyone know of a good tag-based filesystem with GNU Emacs integration?



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