[ prog / sol / mona ]


A future for Free Software?

83 2020-12-29 14:28 *


Why do you keep talking about software when there are much more immediate problems if you wish to understand everything? Do you not tremble with fear each time you have to bite into an apple that you could not observe maturing?

Fear is not necessary to motivate understanding, this is /prog/ so software is more relevant both to this thread concerning the FSF, and to the forum in general. Further picking any order on exploration tends to stifle curiosity in my experience.

Who knows what kind of pesticides they used, maybe it's GMO, maybe it was even poisoned! Complex software might be annoying but this could get you killed.

It's true there is a banal poisoning of food in our society, and I've harvested many tasty pumpkin pies, baked sweet potatoes, and salads from my garden. Unfortunately it will likely be many years before I'm able to grow all my own food. I'm upgrading to a small orchard and around a 16m2 garden this spring, but trees take time to grow, and I don't know when livestock would become practical. My interest in gardening is largely independent of curiosity regardless.

In any case I'm no longer interested in this conversation. While conversation is a great way to sharpen tongs and try on masks I have other things I'd rather be doing.



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