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Marvin Minsky - The Beauty of the Lisp Language

62 2020-10-07 03:13 *

You ruined a majority of your anons' fun in this thread. Made it past 40 this time around.
Lunix isn't standard defined c but lesser gnu+linux c. Those are lesser gnu+linux c programmers. The community divide is slightly similar to that of scheme and a scheme dialectic. It's not that much a monument but still huge.

The C standards may not change much, but they're littered with undefined behaviour which still bites programmers today.

The ansi and iso c standards embrace undefined behavior, they aren't just littered with it. This undervalues how bad it is. The difference is having undefined behavior from not being perfect to embracing imperfection and modeling it as perfection, ace example of worse is better. The ansi and iso c standards don't exist in practice from being undefined.
Typography is automated here, like lisp programming intended. Reminds me need to automate capitalising things like GNU and C but C will be hard to automate, it's not visible in the queens I.



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