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Is it necessary to buy into "Worse is Better" and "The Right Thing"?

8 2020-10-03 18:18

You probably already know this but it's not as simple as organic foods good inorganic foods bad. For example if your food is organic you can't have arsenic laced chicken, but if you're are eating a suitably diverse diet and your body's detoxification mechanisms are operating at normal levels you should be fine. Typically issues only arise due to either failing detoxification systems (often occurring due to an insufficient diet or illness), or chronic over exposure due to having a restrictive diet.

That being said you can't go wrong with having less arsenic in your chicken. Intelligently preparing for exceptional cases so that members of society don't have to might also be a worth while investment on the part of society. Ironically this is a similar argument to that behind mandating salt be iodized and mandatory food fortifications within countries generally. If as a society through some upfront thought and effort we can prevent the exceptional cases of arsenic poisoning and iodine deficiency we probably should.



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