[ prog / sol / mona ]



6 2020-12-21 11:38

Current game editors have evolved to a level of Croquet
and modern OOP with sepples is far more powerful without message passing. Squeak model is just too slow with its dynamic dispatch.
Its like Scheme - its unique features(continuation passing) don't translate to performant code and its mundane features(list processing)
can be done with modern scripting or plain libraries at much faster performance. There isn't a killer app for dynamic dispatch/continuation passing/monad transformers because the underlying software stack is unoptimized and slow - unlike JavaScript engines of today.
Modern software development is implicitly using C++ libraries underneath and glues them with Sepples: squeak ultimately will be
replaced by high-level C++ interface library that does the same thing
much faster, if people were really interested in Squeak but
JavaScript essentially captured this niche.
Its likely some WASM/JavaScript/Webgl/webrtc combination will
be far more performant than running native Open Cobalt.



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