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Richard Matthew Stallman

119 2021-04-05 18:09

Monopolistic corporations fund GPL projects in part to prevent the potential competitors from gaining any market share and gather resources to defeat their monopoly. Compared to BSD and/or Public Domain, there is no incentive and resources to develop GPL software into something competing with the monopolies. The only thing Microsoft is really afraid of is non-copyleft licenses. Remember: Apple OSX and iOS were built on top of FreeBSD. Without it, there would be no Apple today, only Microsoft. That is also why monopolists keep open source developers on a short leash - it would be far worse, if they break free, creating competition, forcing to buy them at a much higher price.

FSF killed countless smaller companies, like BeOS, Symbolics, Sun and Silicon Graphics with its workstations. Partially by alienating the community towards the proprietary Unix and Lisp systems. And these were real competitors for Microsoft, developing innovative solutions. I.e. BeOS was written completely in C++.

If you want real freedom, then the only way is boycotting FSF, Stallman and the rest of copyleft slave drivers.



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