[ prog / sol / mona ]


Richard Matthew Stallman

135 2021-04-07 16:19

The Russian people didn’t have a lot. Because they weren’t greedy. They didn’t have 20 different brands of cereal. They made their own videogames (the Dendy, which was their version of the Nintendo)… they made Tetris for god sake. But they didn’t have frivilous fancy junk. By capitalist standards, they were poor. But their life expectancy was higher than in the west, homelessness and unemployment was virtually non-existent, and they had the finest universities in the world.
What they had, everyone had. It was a collective society, built by the people for the people.
They beat the United States into space.
And they invented Tetris.
Type m-x-tetris into GNU Emacs. I dare you.



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