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Richard Matthew Stallman

159 2021-04-17 16:44

I've spent some time with rms and found him humorous and a generally nice fellow, even as he was quite busy responding to emails on his laptop. I remember he in particular wanted to see our city's moat. At the time I believe he was in a long distance relationship, and he talked about how it's difficult. On the way back from a restaurant he stopped and marveled at the smell from a tree's flowers, asked if I knew the name of the tree, but I didn't. He never made me feel left out, and I saw him treat others decently. One woman in particular who came to meet up with us was almost fainting at seeing her hero. Even though he didn't seem to understand why she was nervous, he asked if she was alright, and she seemed calmer after that. The only things I have left from that day are the memories and his funny business card that I've saved.

Those attacking rms have no sense of decency and no solid basis for their misguided beliefs.



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