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Richard Matthew Stallman

168 2021-04-18 20:27

2. Snowden's revelations are definitely valuable in a world that relies much on US technology and services.
3. The conflict between Israel and Hamas is far from a white-black cliché.
4. > The US owes reparations to Iraq for the damage it has done
It does.
6. Just as in point number 2 (replace "Snowden" with "Assange").
7. Similar to the above.
8. Assuming that Iran indeed supports terrorism, do they do it to the same extent as Saudi Arabia (an ally of the US)?
12. Not just American - any plutocracy has to be defeated.
16. It is wrong, just there are not many ways to prevent misuse of software in general.
17. It is.
19. Hardly any connection between the former and the latter.
Also > quality products
Oh yeah, that legendary quality that gets lower everyday.

From the principle of maintaining their own military protected from outside interference it is a wise move, regardless of the details. I myself agree that PRC communists are putting together a nasty totalitarism, but that does not affect the former statement.
I used to be really enthusiastic about Tesla's projects, as I support replacing petrol-based engines with electric ones. However I just simply wanted a car powered be electricity instead of petrol, that, besides the details specific to electric vehicles, would otherwise operate exactly as if it was a normal car - meanwhile Tesla failed to deliver that.



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