[ prog / sol / mona ]


RMS, email to.

1 2021-05-16 03:12

User Testimonial: https://archive.wakarimasen.moe/g/thread/81619775/#q81620258

>No, only if you press "NO". If you press "X" like many people who do not agree the code is such that it still sends telemetry. Read the github thread.

Note: The fact that we, hackers, dedicated decades of our lives to writing this code each, individually and collectively (I, for instance, worked on a number of free-software games and server utilities: all the men did their part in their area of ability), and have now been removed from our projects, and our projects have been taken over, all of them, and corrupted. Is an affront in and of itself. We wrote honest software that did one thing and did it comprehensibly. Because you asked us to. We built it for hackers, by hackers.

We do not want ANY popups, ANY telemetry, ANYTHING other than what we actually wrote this software with our own hands. We've been thrown out of everywhere and women and business people and "pajeets" (business minded foreign programmers from the subcontinent) have taken over _OUR_ projects and _OUR_ free-software word that WE BUILT SACRIFICING DECADES OF OUR LIVES.

We didn't have wives, we didn't have anything, we buit this. And now they take it and mutilate it and debase it. And laugh at us "canceled" "banned" etc.



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