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SICP yuri fanfics

66 2023-03-24 23:39

Alyssa slips out of bed early on Sunday morning, awake thanks to the sunlight creeping in through their curtains. Eva is oblivious to it, sprawled out across most of the mattress, her hand slipped between the pillows on their bed. Alyssa grins at her, feeling suffused with happiness, and pads out into the kitchen, the tiles cool against her feet. She hovers between cereal and toast before she notices just how thirsty she is and opens the fridge to dig around for the orange juice.

She pours a glass, already thinking about crawling back into bed and kissing Eva's shoulder, or maybe pushing her cold toes between Eva's calves if she's in the mood to be punished. She smiles, breathes in the morning air and takes a long sip of juice, cool as it pours down her throat. She refills the glass and carries it back to the bedroom.

Eva is already awake when she gets back, sitting up and sleep-ruffled, a hand tangled in her hair as she blinks owlishly at Alyssa.

"Morning," Alyssa says. "You awake?"

"Mm," says Eva by way of answer.

Alyssa laughs. Eva isn't a morning person unless she's seeing it from the wrong side, and it's rare for her to form much by way of sentences before she's had a coffee. She offers the orange juice, and Eva grabs it, swallowing most of it in one go.

"Hey!" Alyssa says, indignant. "I was going to have some of that!"

Eva's eyes widen innocently, and she keeps her mouth shut, paused mid-swallow. She beckons Alyssa over.


Eva beckons more insistently, leaning forward slightly, and Alyssa goes to meet her. Eva pulls her onto the bed, tilting her backwards.

"What are you --" Alyssa begins, startled, but then Eva bends over her, kissing her open mouth. Alyssa gasps a little as she feels cool, sweet liquid dripping onto her tongue. She opens her mouth more, searching, and Eva tastes sweet too as Alyssa runs her tongue along the roof of Eva's mouth. She wraps her arms around Eva's shoulders, dragging her onto the bed, and drinks her down.

Eva whispers next to Alyssa's ear, her voice thick with alluring suggestion, and something hot courses through Alyssa's veins. It's been months since their wedding, and she still shivers with anticipation every time Eva touches her.

"I want --" she starts, her voice more begging in tone than she would like, but Eva is at least three steps ahead of her, slipping a hand between Alyssa's thighs where she's already aching.

Alyssa arches up, wanting Eva's deft fingers inside her, Eva's mouth on her breast, and Eva is already there, taking Alyssa apart, knowing her better than Alyssa knows herself. There's a laugh in Eva's throat and wicked delight in her eyes, and Alyssa has to reach to cup her face, draw her up so she can kiss her and kiss her, while all the while Eva's fingers curl within her, sending waves of pleasure through her body. It's not long before it's too much and she's falling, riding out her climax against Eva's mouth and her hands,

"God, you're so --" Eva says above her as Alyssa's whole body relaxes into contented afterglow.

"I'm so what?" she asks, eyes half shut.

"Gorgeous," Eva says emphatically, and kisses Alyssa's damp collarbone.

"Flattery will get you nowhere," Alyssa says with a grin, opening her eyes again.

"Oh?" Eva says, challenging, and Alyssa sits up, grabbing Eva's hips to stop her overbalancing.

"Well, maybe on this occasion," Alyssa concedes, and hitches Eva up to slide a thigh beneath her.

The feel of the heat of Eva's sex on her bare skin sent another pulse of desire through Alyssa, and she shifts, creating friction. Eva groans above her, her whole body rocking, and she rests her forehead on Alyssa's shoulder, her breath stuttering. Alyssa holds her tight, moving her hand down to clutch at the curve of Eva's arse as she licks a path between Eva's breasts. It's not enough, not quite, and so Alyssa presses the heel of her hand against Eva's clit, working her in tight, firm circles until Eva is tensing above her, biting down on Alyssa's shoulder as she comes apart.

Eva lets herself fall back onto the bed, afterwards, grabbing Alyssa's hand and dragging her back with her. "Don't even think about getting up again," she mutters.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Alyssa says mildly, and it's true. There are a dozen things she ought to be doing, but here there is a naked, warm, freshly-pleasured Eva, and it's really no contest. She burrows back under the covers and Eva curls around her, already half asleep.

Alyssa presses a kiss to Eva's temple, and she can feel Eva's smile against her skin. She lets her arm curve around Eva's waist, their legs tangle together, and Alyssa wonders idly, as she lets her eyes fall shut, if she's entirely sure where she ends and Eva begins.


orange juice credit: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38274



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