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Will Linux ever become smaller?

85 2021-10-26 13:37

So by stable you actually mean neither backwards compatible nor stable, but slowly unstable.


But that's not how Linux is today,

This is the topic of discussion.

Linux is used in billions of smartphones and none of their users are complaining that Linux is bloated.

This is much like billions of people walking on a bridge completely ignorant of its safety. But ultimately these people don't matter. This thread is concerning the engineering of bridges not sociology. The only reason I even mentioned how little the user cares originally (>>66) was exactly for making the point that none of this is about them, they accept what they are given.

What percentage of the Linux kernel is proven? The CVEs seem to be a counter-example to any meaningful constraints being held. (also trolling is fun.)

You (the person who keeps mentioning the userland) should be sent to a prison library. If you're reading I hate you. Please, god, read a book instead.



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