[ prog / sol / mona ]


What are you working on?

28 2019-01-04 16:02

Happy new year to you too anon. Thanks so much as always! Sorry for falling a bit behind I was working on some other things for a moment and I forgot to respond to your posts. It seems the last several functions are in a very sorry state, but I'm unsure if I should focus on resolving the last few issues with this implementation or try to work more on the rewrite. I'm curious what you thing of this anon: the advantage of the rewrite is that the library gets Olog(n) rather than O(n) append, delete, & insert but this comes at the cost of consistent read performance, with radix-ref becoming 2x slower if the radix-tree becomes unbalanced from a number of append, delete, & insert calls on it. That seems like it would make it both more difficult to reason about the performance of the radix tree, and in certain situations even reduce performance so I don't know if it's worth it or not.
Anyway I ended up finishing my electoral system for now, the implementation seems solid but I need to rework some of my ideas I think. When I first started writing it I used only abstractions in the functions, for example instead of dictating that ballots were vectors I just had wrapper functions around the vector functions to use on ballots, and instead of dictating that candidates were numbers I had variables like last-candidate, and first-candidate, and functions like next-candidate or candidate-less-than etc. I decided this was a bit verbose despite having the nice quality of being able to change out the representation and scrapped it. Was this a bad choice? http://ix.io/1xv1
Only other plans I've got is to finish reading SICP (I got 500 pages in before I decided to do other things) even if I'm not going to do the remaining exercises yet, and some things not /prog/ related.

I hope you're doing well anon.



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