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What are you working on?

74 2019-02-21 13:09

Past few days I've only been doing 'dev ops' (I really hate this kinda thing), doing some research on type design, and researching color proccessing further:

;; Primarily based off of doi:10.1167/11.5.8 and the meta analysis done there
;; on the state of the art. They come to the conclusion that .2 degrees is the
;; critical point for fonts, that is to say the smallest size at which the
;; majority of readers can read at maximum speed. In addition to this they
;; reviewed the fonts of print publications discovering the majority to lie
;; within the .22 to .25 range.

;; Programmers have several unique considerations when it comes to typography.
;; Due to the nature of programming having more context on screen at a time
;; reduces the amount of scrolling and searching neccessary to understand any
;; particular function. For this reason many programmers prefer smaller type
;; faces than they use in their other applications. Smaller typefaces are more
;; ledgeable when they have larger x-height ratios, this is something
;; programmers also tend to like even though they don't neccessarily recognise
;; it. Programmers also tend to use Monospace fonts, these fonts make the
;; structure of programs more clear.

;; The last thing of note is the history of digital type design, and a
;; associated complaint. Digital type design was historically done on raster
;; grid unlike its free flowing print cousin. This was done due to the
;; resolution of the screens and the physical capabilities of computers. Even
;; vector fonts designed for digital useage, so called 'web safe fonts', such
;; as Verdana, Arial, & Georgia were done in this way. Additionally, and likely
;; for this same reason digital types, even those being used for body text,
;; tend to be sans-serif. This is likely for the same reason, on older displays
;; the restrictions on the resolution of the font. That being said many
;; programmers today still prefer fonts designed in this style and even bitmap
;; fonts due to the increased clarity they offer, and the reduction in
;; anti-aliasing which some individuals get eye-strain from.

(define (ideal-font-size x-height-ratio inches-from-screen
			 software-dpi physical-dpi)
  (let* ((ideal-x-height-radians (/ 3.141592 900)) ; .2 degrees
	 (ppi-scaling (/ software-dpi physical-dpi))
	 (points-from-screen (* inches-from-screen 72)))
    (/ (* ideal-x-height-radians points-from-screen)
       ppi-scaling x-height-ratio)))


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