[ prog / sol / mona ]


Is programming a solo endeavor?

5 2021-11-30 05:10 *

If it isn't hard to post on here, why would it be hard to post on irc?

rubber duck debugging

I always found this silly, but supposedly it helps people.
Never done this before and doubt I ever will.

Programming is not a solo task. It would be the equivalent of sayings its a group task.
Programming just can be simply done in a group or solo.

It is possible to program everything solo, but depending on what you are programming you will have to face more troubles. An example is an operating system one of the hardest things to do.
There are people who work together in groups on Linux kernel and then you see people at osdev who have worked years on their own operating system.

You shouldn't force yourself to do programming alone forever. If programming solo works better than its pretty simple on what to choose.
Each way is going to have its consequences.



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