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How can I run my own instance of this

208 2020-05-27 14:02 *

Please checkout the latest commit from https://gitlab.com/naughtybits/schemebbs

I've just tested it and everything is fine. It was strange because I couldn't get it to work either and I installed SchemeBBS without a problem a few days ago.

There were two issues (depending on which version you were using)

At one point httpio.scm was intended to be patched just like http-syntax.scm= but this change was reversed. You need the file deps/httpio.scm and the line that loads the correct file. It fixes a bug in the dist httpio.scm where GET requests can't have an empty body (?) Be careful to load it before deps/server.scm

(load "deps/httpio")
(load "deps/server")

(or you can use the patched binaries provided in >>202 which doesn't need httpio.scm as a dependency)

The second error baffled me. There's a stub for an antispam system that was never implemented because I had problems with mit-scheme cryptographic functions. It's just a dummy function that loads the file hash but if that hash isn't there, SchemeBBS refuse to serve requests. This one was hard to guess and I'm sorry for making you losing time.



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