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How can I run my own instance of this

256 2020-05-31 11:03 *

Read this: https://fossil-scm.org/home/doc/trunk/www/javascript.md
If it's convincing, whitelist fossil.textboard.org in IceCat, it works perfectly with LibreJS.

If you really cannot use Javascript, then login anonymously, it's merely an ascii captcha to type.

Finally, non anonymously-logged users belong to the group `nobody', they can read tickets only if they are provided with the URL. There's a switch that the repo's admin can toggle to allow them to get access to the URLs by themselves:

h  Hyperlinks	Show hyperlinks to detailed repository history 

h permission has been granted to nobody, you don't need logging in nor enabling JS now, but I'll let sbbs.el repo's admin configure which rights are given to whom.



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