[ prog / sol / mona ]


How can I run my own instance of this

40 2020-02-19 12:53

Don't worry about that. I'm sincerely grateful you found that severe bug, took the time to read the code and offered a way to fix the issue (I used your regex unmodified and checked post numbers against *max-posts* as you suggested)
It's true that it's the first reboot of the bbs image since it was launched, but it's also the first time I edited a file. Well, I had to start somewhere one day, now it's done and thank you.

I realize how the code is messy or incomplete at places (a function named foo probably means I tried some temporary thing with the intent to change it later and totally forgot about it because it seemed to work). I also remember how quickly everything was hacked together on a cheap netbook while couchsurfing in Austria. Sweet memory. Mind you, I was in such a hurry that I wrote everything in vi vi vi the editor of the beast (I gave up on edwin for some reasons and believed I had no time to install and configure from scratch emacs, paredit, mit-scheme mode...)



do not edit these