[ prog / sol / mona ]


How can I run my own instance of this

78 2020-02-24 11:21


Are you aware that clicking any of the quotelinks lead to the internal server error page?

This will make single links work:

Compared to what?

I have explained in detail how you are gratuitously replacing N operations with 2N operations by duplication, when this is easily avoided. I have also provided instructions that achieve this. If it is not clear to you how 2N is a performance downgrade from N, I am not sure how else to help you.

How did you measure it? I doubt parsing three digits is such a cardinal sin, but I am eager to see your numbers

If you will take a few minutes to read through the stress tests and the fix in detail, you will see that the entire point of the new vector-based posts-range is that on inputs that pass the regex from >>65 it "runs in zero time" as stated in the same post.



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