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how do i master cloud computing/this is the right question right?

8 2022-01-27 23:59 *

It may be unrealistic, but I'll try give a simple answer. "Cloud" computing is just a buzzword for other people's computers. To start, you should be comfortable ssh'ing into computers, with the UNIX CLI, and get through the vim tutorial.

For a next step, everything is virtualised & orchestrated nowadays. You should learn docker (I never got this to run satisfactorily on Windows, so this is probably the point where you reformat your laptop hard drive to Linux). Kubernetes would be nice to run on 2/3 Raspberry Pis you buy, but probably not essential.

Finally, you want to learn how to write cloud systems. I'd recommend using a PaaS provider (you should know what IaaS, PaaS, SaaS mean by now). I pored over the docs for Google Cloud Platfom & wrote small things in Go (Python would be fine too). This is good just to see the components: you have a compiler/interpreter, runtime, Web framework with routing, memory-based cache like redis/memcached, and finally a SQL or NoSQL database (this is where you should learn the CAP theorem). If I was doing this again I'd probably choose platform.sh and Common Lisp instead.

Finally, you should build a few small/medium systems that you think are interesting. This is a portfolio you use to look for jobs. I don't know how valuable certifications are, I have none, but working code is impressive to interviewers.



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