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Enemies of Lisp

12 2022-06-03 07:08

Who are the greatest enemies of the Lisp programming languages?

<flame>Node.js being optimized enough to outrun handmade lithp code and x100 easier learning curve. Modern JS only disadvantage vs lisp
is not having macros. Perhaps lithpers should develop something fast like Stalin Scheme, port more libraries and use a better syntax? </flame>

But actually, having to use eval and complex recursive stack
juggling isn't going to look good to "enterprise coders"
who run most software industry projects. Its like submitting obfuscated C in hopes it will somehow will pass the reviews.
Most people don't want to untangle recursive codepaths and
macros scare them. Simple, dumb Blub-type languages with
clear syntax and natural pseudo-code flow have already won
the masses over and they will not change suddenly into
some obscure, weird language without a concrete need.
Consider Python: would an average coder with to a Python-syntax
Scheme where invisible parens stack in incomprehensible depths
and indentation layers not seen elsewhere are daily occurrence?
The cognitive load of viewing lisp in any syntax, be it
parens/indentation/semicolons/brackets is very high.
Average program in Blub has brackets equivalent of 3-4 brackets
vs Lisp 20-50 parens per page.



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