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Recommend IDE/Text Editor for code

8 2022-06-15 21:08 *

;; Flame starts here

I will explain to you my disdain.
You wrote a single sentence saying you don't like an editor. Then you asked for a replacement. You got the same effort you put into this thread as a response. Instead of elaborating on why you don't want to use Emacs, which could perhaps pave way for more meaningful responses, you replied with something completely meaningless. Are you expecting people here to guess what you might like, without you telling? Are you a woman perhaps?

Now your two replies have been a bit more telling, but still, is this an interrogation? Will you now drip-feed us bits of information about your preferences? Why not just lay out your requirements in the opening post, instead of spawning a turd of a thread? You seem suited for a career in the government.

;; Flame ends here

Anyway, by identifying yourself as a ``vim user'' I reckon it was a poor attempt to convey two things: you want to be able to launch your editor fast from the command line, and to have the terminal emulator window consumed during the time the editor is open.
It's not hard to do that with Emacs. In fact, I also sometimes work this way, and what I do is launch Emacs from a shell script. This script makes sure to always keep n number of daemons at hand, so that when I call it, it just connects me to a free daemon. The startup is nearly instantaneous. If the command has been issued inside a terminal emulator window, it also unmaps that window in X, and maps it back after Emacs is closed. I also have the exit command in Emacs itself modified a bit, so that when I quit, it kills the daemon it's connected to as well.

There might be a better way to achieve something similar, but this is good enough for me. It might not work if you are using tmux, but you should use your window manager for this anyway. Keybindings are not an issue, there are several packages for vim keybindings in Emacs (I use evil myself).



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