[ prog / sol / mona ]


This how it ends /prog/riders

41 2022-08-06 19:51 *


Oh, wow, you couldn't out yourself better if you linked a Faux News article.

weather but not who is causing it

Here's how to do it, son.
Looking for someone to blame for the extreme heat? Try Wall Street

Banks’ financing of coal, oil, and gas was higher in 2021 than it was in 2016, the year after the Paris agreement was adopted

"This is why it is very useful for you to continue to use terms such as "retard", "nigger" or "newfag", because with each use you are simply stating: "I am an outsider". Those terms immediately identify you not just in this venue but on the entire internet as nothing more than spillover from the /PitOfLunatics/."



do not edit these