[ prog / sol / mona ]


SICP Visual Novel

36 2024-03-25 00:49

Very nice. Reminds me of how I reacted when I first read the Touhou kopipe.
I see this is meant to work with Chicken scheme, and if we were really going to use a Scheme-based engine that calls into question which implementation to use. Is Chicken versatile enough? For obvious reasons MIT Scheme is a worthy contender, but its audiovisual capabilities are primitive at best. Racket might be promising, but that would require writing Racket, and not Scheme.

As for the instructions:
>>37-40 decides which engine to use
>>41,48 writes the prologue
>>42,46,49 picks more music
>>43,45,51 writes the character bios
>>44 gives the chapters titles
>>47,50 writes the epilogue
>>52 provides more instructions



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