[ prog / sol / mona ]


Scheme blogs

25 2022-06-13 23:34 *


There are two apparent "solutions" that avoid this curse that we will explore. The first solution is to add the extension to the system via the implementation, forcing the community to adopt this extension, removing the agency of the user and setting them up to be screwed if the solution becomes a problem. The second is to ensure that any task is too large to tackle without cooperation, by reducing the power and efficiency of each individual user, and in doing so, eliminating all facilities for the individual creative process.

Neither solution is particularly appealing.

[blahblahblah discouraging opinions]

The most viable option is to go forward with multiple experiments, and provide participants with more power, so they may late bind and ignore the "social problems" produced by the diverse environment, in turn provided by having reasonable control over the environment.

Sounds like the chicken&egg discussion.



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