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Emacs mode for SchemeBBS markup

47 2020-06-05 15:11


Eww handles cookies, you really cannot login as anonymous before submitting?

The login works fine but the only forms on the new ticket page are for the version and email, with buttons for previewing and canceling. Looking at the source I'm not sure why it doesn't work, it's only ```<select>``` and ```<textarea>```. It might be something funky about eww.

Another solution would be to have an access to the ebbs repository and submit a ticket with the command line.

I'm not sure this is possible without giving check-in access to the whole repository, which wouldn't work out. I know it's possible to clone the repo, create the ticket, create a bundle including the ticket, and then email the bundle to someone with check-in access who could examine and commit the changes. This isn't as unreasonable as it might sound, the emailing is the only thing that might discourage some. Would it be preferred if I (and others) submitted tickets this way? Also, there is some talk of improving this workflow: https://fossil-scm.org/forum/forumpost/195da45e5f I don't know if this will materialize or not though.

In the end, if SchemeBBS is functional in eww, you can suggest improvements or report bugs in this thread.

I certainly don't mind posting here in the least, and I do appreciate the time taken to use well worn standards.

Maybe a bot could read new posts in a certain format, recognize a ticket and submit them?

This seems kinda janky, won't lie. Considering how obscure this problem might be I'll consider trying emacs-w3m this evening to see if I can submit with that. If I can I see no reason to fix anything.



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