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Emacs mode for SchemeBBS markup

53 2020-06-06 17:00

Done, is pushed

‘sbbs--uncover-spoiler’ to be used in ‘sbbs-compose-mode’ so that spoilered text can be edited after the application of the markup easily

That's a bit tricky, because it requires removing overlays when the spoiler markup is manipulated, but I'll add it to the ticket list.

default to be provided to ‘completing-read’ in ‘sbbs-read-board’ which is the current board if browsing a board (refresh), or user configurable otherwise to avoid many keystrokes for users who visit few boards

Will do, but just so you know, 'g' also refreshes to board.

it may be useful for the syntax table in ‘sbbs-compose-mode’ to be extended to be aware of the markup language

I'll look into this. Haven't done anything too complicated with syntax tables yet, so this will take some reading.



do not edit these