[ prog / sol / mona ]


shit your hot fresh poetry into my gaping soul *in this thread*

1 2021-07-13 18:10

Please, please.

2 2021-07-13 22:51

She said she loved me
Maybe, that was I
She was dead drunk
No, I was

3 2021-07-14 01:22 *

nigger nigger nigger
nigger nigger nigger
nigger nigger nigger
caress thy anus
make it gucci for
I.M. ratchet rapper federal agent
that I.M. deadly plague

__歌人 3-san on the philosophy of antique VIPTRONIC raping classics__

4 2021-07-14 07:56

You stand there tall
Clear skinned
Smooth shapely
A beautiful form
Natures creation
You shine in glorious skies
of blue
of white
of perfection
I come
and kick
and cut
and chop
and stab
at your fragile form
You break
You crack
You crumble
Still you stand.
In the sun
You change
You bleed
You fall
Forever falling
Still standing
In the warmth of the sun.

5 2021-07-16 10:17

Walt Whitman poem that stuck out to me:
When I read the book, the biography famous,
And is this then (said I) what the author calls a man’s life?
And so will some one when I am dead and gone write my life?
(As if any man really knew aught of my life,
Why even I myself I often think know little or nothing of my real life,
Only a few hints, a few diffused faint clews [clues] and indirections
I seek for my own use to trace out here.)

P.S. post to
This is some furry fetish nonsense. Y'all niggas need Jesus.

I found a dead link: d5Cu_EAcNYM . Browsing history timeline (location=United States, timezone=Denver, daylight saving time is observed=probably yes):
1. Apr 18, 2021 9:55 AM ; m.youtube.com ; https://m.youtube.com/ ; Home - YouTube
2. April 18, 2021 9:55 AM ; m.youtube.com ; https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=pulpit+rock+church ; pulpit rock church - YouTube
3. 2021-04-18 9:55 AM ; m.youtube.com ; https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCYH6Oms01esl5jDavf7mS4g ; pulpitrock cos - YouTube
4. 2021-04-18 9:56 AM ; m.youtube.com ; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d5Cu_EAcNYM#dialog ; April 18th | 9AM Sunday Worship LIVE - YouTube
5. 2021-04-18 9:57 AM ; m.youtube.com ; https://m.youtube.com/c/pulpitrockcos/featured ; pulpitrock cos - YouTube
6. 2021-04-18 9:58 AM ; m.youtube.com ; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CAvsXV1GBtg#dialog ; 1 John: Intro | April 11th, 2021 - YouTube
7. 2021-04-18 9:58 AM ; m.youtube.com ; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CAvsXV1GBtg ; 1 John: Intro | April 11th, 2021 - YouTube
8. 2021-04-18 9:58 AM ; m.youtube.com ; https://m.youtube.com/c/pulpitrockcos/videos ; pulpitrock cos - YouTube
9. 2021-04-18 9:58 AM ; m.youtube.com ; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d5Cu_EAcNYM ; April 18th | 9AM Sunday Worship LIVE - YouTube

I think "cos"=Colorado Springs, Colorado. Some links/records might be missing; e.g., how do you go from m.youtube.com/watch?v=CAvsXV1GBtg to m.youtube.com/c/pulpitrockcos/videos ?

P.P.S. 107 contacts.

6 2021-07-16 11:08

I once met a girl
She didn't want to use soap
Or shave her armpits

7 2021-07-16 22:10

It's cool to have hair
on top of your head
Armpits are hot
hairy or not

8 2021-07-26 08:40

Once upon a midnight dreary, While I websurfed, weak and weary, Over many a strange and spurious website of hot chicks galore,
While I clicked my fav'rite bookmark, Suddenly there came a warning, And my heart was filled with mourning, Mourning for my dear amour.
'Tis not possible!, I pleaded, But my browser, so conceited, Remained blank, I then repeated, Just a blank and nothing more.
With a scream, I was defeated, For my cookies were deleted, So i begged, no longer seated, "Give me back my free hardcore!"
Then, in answer to my query, Through the net I loved so dearly, Came its answer, dark and dreary: Quoth the server, 404

9 2021-08-22 20:13

iridescent plumage, 5/20/19 anonymous

the hospital smell of north building five
sounds of black men laughing happily there
a shot of coffe for a ramen soup?

then at seven it will be pill line there
nervous systems rendered to clear thin soup
the, of course, lockdown at nine forty-five

one inmate dreams the purelight rainbow soup
scenes of adventure from the age of five
in the shadows of razor wire there

and wild turkies gather there, just outside
the fence, as an alarm clock fires at five
"on the button." A lifetime's worth of
hard living bleeds together into vital, insipid soup.

10 2021-10-04 06:22

Your gaping hole?

11 2022-02-23 00:39

Now there's a devil on my mind
But thoughts of you are just as fine
The angel says when there you twirlled
In your green green dress the folds unfurlled
That you were at your very best
Eyes full of thrill and joy
The weight of your golden cross lifted
If but for a while
And her own by your smile

I preferred you in
The summers ruthless heat
Silver gleaming
Jewels screaming
Hair all tumbling long
Each humble curl
Life's sweet destruction song
Your skin soft and glowing
Eyes fixed on the horizon
Your mind a thousand worlds
That for me then, this
The fountain of life
And sweet sweet gentleness
Its perfect jet black pearl

12 2022-02-23 00:59

Mutual Assured Destruction gives me a 36 hour hard on

13 2022-02-23 01:06

Sheeeeeeeesh. Maybe it was only eleven hip breaking hours. That sad, M.A.D. is some outmoded garbage and the new stuff is my excitatory mollasaurs

14 2022-02-23 01:09

King of all fools.

15 2022-02-23 01:11

Heaven in a bucket? Jeez Louise, go to bed.

16 2022-02-23 04:52

The thief left it behind, the moon in the window

17 2022-02-24 11:33 *

A nation has the semites it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.

18 2022-05-01 22:44


19 2022-05-01 22:52 *

>>17 antisemitism is gay.

20 2022-05-02 09:51

77 + 33 = 100

21 2022-05-14 14:30

Jews blame Europeans collectively for the holocaust, pogroms, and what they see as a history of White oppression, and want to harm us or perhaps even destroy us entirely in response to try and level what they see as a moral debt.

They believe that ethnically, culturally homogeneous European nations will inevitably expel the jews (true), and thus the best way to ensure they are welcome and powerful in these nations is to undermine the ethnic and cultural homogeneity of the populace such that it becomes impossible to unify around a racial or cultural solidarity that would cause jews to be excluded. If the country is a soup of multi-racial, multi-cultural nigger monkies, then jews do not stand out in the way they would in a phenotypically and culturally homogeneous group.

Jews are extremely chauvinistic in that they believe that they are spiritually and intellectually superior to goyim, who are cattle that are destined to serve them in their religion. The secular jews carry the same attitudes, whether explicitly or just in effect, through cultural memetics and possibly a genetic predisposition to extreme in-group chauvinism and hatred of outgroups.

Religious Jews believe that they have the right to remake the world in their image (tikkun olam) and make goyim their slaves. Rather than trying to ascend to greater power by humble means, they wish to destroy those more powerful than them.

Jewish traditions and ideals such as excessive usury for goyim, manipulating laws, and ends justifying the means clash with the moral and righteous proclivities of Protestant Europeans centered around obeying the spirit of laws, honest labor, and fairness.

Jews see the religion of Christianity and its historical adoption as the primary religion of Europeans as a perversion of their traditions. They believe that Europeans have twisted their beliefs and used it to harm them, and regard this as a manipulative and evil crime against the jews themselves.

22 2022-05-14 15:12

There once was a Daemon named Beastie
Who thought Linux penguin quite tasty
He cooked some like roast pork
On the end of his fork
And baked others in pies like meat pastry

Source: https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/free-as-in-free-freebsd-wallpapers.79118/

23 2022-05-14 15:30

Protestants blame Catholics collectively for the 30-years war, martyrdom (see Foxe's Book of Martyrs), and what they see as a history of Catholic oppression, and want to harm us or perhaps even destroy us entirely in response to try and level what they see as a moral debt.

They believe that spiritually, culturally homogeneous Catholics nations will inevitably expel the Protestants (true), and thus the best way to ensure they are welcome and powerful in these nations is to undermine the spiritual and cultural homogeneity of the populace such that it becomes impossible to unify around a spiritual or cultural solidarity that would cause Protestants to be excluded. If the country is a soup of multi-credo, multi-lingual free thinkers, then Protestants do not stand out in the way they would in a spiritually and culturally homogeneous group.

Protestants are extremely chauvinistic in that they believe that they are spiritually and intellectually superior to unbelievers, who are cattle that are destined to serve them in their religion. The secular Protestants carry the same attitudes, whether explicitly or just in effect, through cultural memetics and possibly a genetic predisposition to extreme in-group chauvinism and hatred of outgroups.

Religious Protestants believe that they have the right to remake the world in their image (Dominion theology) and make unbelievers their chattel (debt-peonage and wage-slavery). Rather than trying to ascend to greater power by humble means, they wish to destroy those more powerful than them.

Protestant traditions and ideals such as excessive usury for unbelievers, manipulating laws, and ends justifying the means clash with the moral and righteous proclivities of Liberals centered around obeying the spirit of laws, honest labor, and fairness.

Protestants see the ideology of Liberalism and its historical adoption as the primary religion of America as a perversion of their traditions. They believe that Americans have twisted their beliefs and used it to harm them, and regard this as a manipulative and evil crime against the Protestants themselves.

24 2022-05-14 15:53

Christians blame Romans collectively for the death of Christ, the martyrdoms, and for what they see as a history of Pagan oppression, and want to harm us or perhaps even destroy us entirely in response to try and level what they see as a moral debt.

They believe that legally, militarily homogeneous Roman Provinces will inevitably expel the Christians (true), and thus the best way to ensure they are welcome and powerful in these nations is to undermine the legal and martial homogeneity of the populace such that it becomes impossible to unify around a legal or martial principle that would cause Christians to be excluded. If the country is a soup of multi-legal, multi-martial scythian barbars, then Christians do not stand out in the way they would in a legally and martially homogeneous group.

Christians are extremely chauvinistic in that they believe that they are spiritually and intellectually superior to romans, who are cattle that are destined to serve them in their religion. The secular Christians carry the same attitudes, whether explicitly or just in effect, through cultural memetics and possibly a genetic predisposition to extreme in-group chauvinism and hatred of outgroups.

Religious Christians believe that they have the right to remake the world in their image (kingdom of god) and make pagans their slaves. Rather than trying to ascend to greater power by humble means, they wish to destroy those more powerful than them.

Christian traditions and ideals such as excessive usury for Pagans, manipulating laws, and ends justifying the means clash with the moral and righteous proclivities of Islam centered around obeying the spirit of laws, honest labor, and fairness.

Christians see the religion of Islam and its historical adoption as the primary religion of the Holy Land as a perversion of their traditions. They believe that Muslims have twisted their beliefs and used it to harm them, and regard this as a manipulative and evil crime against the Christians themselves.

25 2022-05-14 16:52

Repeat Imperial Romans; Republican Romans.
Repeat Republican Romans; Celtic Europeans.
Repeat Celtic Europeans; EEF.
Repeat EEF; Neanderthals, ad nauseam to the beginning of time.

26 2022-05-14 16:59 *

I don't think these are poems.

27 2022-05-14 18:19

Don't gatekeep poetry with hirs (apologies if hir are a plural system) heteronormative pale stale male lingual prescriptivism. I👏WILL👏speak👏MY👏Truth👏.

28 2022-05-14 19:12 *

Do people actually think that shit like >>27 is funny? Or why do they post it? I'm so tired of your boring bullshit.

29 2022-05-14 21:04

I'm sorry. Can you tell me precisely how it offended you so I can not repeat it again?

30 2022-05-15 07:48 *

No ironic shitposting is allowed. No matter how ironic it is, shitposting is still shitposting.

31 2022-05-15 11:25

a chess piece black as the heart of a terrible midnight storm and a ebony crown with which to rule as a King upon its brow

a Knight white as freshly fallen snow on Christmas morning

32 2022-05-15 11:49

>>31 not bad!

33 2022-05-15 13:01

mute is the whole field
one, solitary prowling
an arc: thus fall food

34 2022-05-15 22:57

Shanalea Moore, I love you
As the day is long
Or short in times of joy
Your smile is my song

For me you were a lighthouse
Among the rocky shore
You always were my best friend
When there was nothing more

And the heavens sing a purple light
From black and stormy clouds
And in God's love I'll hear your voice
As quiet as it is loud
As quiet as it is loud

I lost my son I lost my wife
They tied me up in chains
They fed me on the bread of tears
And drowned me in their shame

And in the hard long nights
And in the awful morn
And when I saw my faced had aged
As all the days were torn
As all the days were torn

There you were, the hands of Christ
There you will always be
You are in my heart of hearts
In deepest sympathy

And the heavens sing a purple light
From black and stormy clouds
And in God's love I hear your voice
As quiet as it is loud
As quiet as it is loud

I stretch the plane into a conch shell
Strands spiral into coils
Inversion, collision
The fiddlehead uncurls
Nothing moves

35 2022-05-16 13:04

roses are red
violets are blue
false is not true
as harajuku

36 2022-05-16 22:39

My Non-Fiction

37 2022-05-29 02:09

Holy Sonnets: Death, be not proud
Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow
Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.

38 2022-05-29 02:21

by :pooty mc'tooter pants
Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….

39 2022-07-08 01:50

i hurt so bad that there are no words
eclipsed by my own fear
the anhedonia tempers me into something weird
and the coconut shavings
fall down like puzzle dust
she calls them power balls
i call it wanderlust

40 2022-07-08 09:17 *

neko miko reimu, aishiteru
neko miko reimu, nani shiteru
neko miko reimu, omoshiroi wa
neko miko reimu, hana mo saita

41 2022-07-18 02:02

and the time had come around again
to twist the membrane between the worlds
and the exciter strikes
doing, the transient reminds me
of when you loved me true
and the days were full, but cerulean
and the boys knew, but I did too
ace cat daddy rattling them bones
jeweled lizard belly
the kool aids man wants to teach me
wants to teach me how to sing a dream
to dream a song
universal mathemagics
tra la la fa so la te da
training the angels to use
the new old school device
the old new school device
the new device, the old school
the old device, the new school
shut the fuck up
shut the fuck up this isn't funny

42 2022-08-10 12:53

The only one who's never been defeated
Is the one who's never been understood
Let us promote a world of clemency instead
And save ourselves from loneliness then

43 2022-08-15 18:01

oh i wanna wanna
go to a banna banna
my penni penni
into a nenni nenni
chuck a cuck with puck
and shut a fuck with duck

44 2022-10-15 23:25

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

45 2023-02-14 01:31 *

Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
Why, when it prospers, non dare call it treason.

46 2023-02-14 01:32 *

From Heaven Will Protect the Working-Girl

You may tempt the upper classes
with your villainous demitasses,
But Heaven will protect the working-girl!

47 2023-02-14 01:32 *

Holy Order

Abou Ben Adhem's name led all the rest...
Prompting a thesis wildly theoretical--
That even recording angels find it best
To keep us alphabetical.

48 2023-02-14 01:33 *

It's Three No Trumps

"It's three No Trumps," the soldier said;
A sniper's bullet struck him dead.
His cards bedecked the trench's bottom.
A comrade peered- "Yes, he'd 'a' got 'em!"

49 2023-08-16 15:29 *

i knew him when his heart was cold
and coal black as the night
he would drink and cuss and dance
and stay out late at night

but she built a bridge
one heart were hers and his
now he drinks the dew of heaven's bounty
the richest man in beaver county

he works all day and smiles all night
dinner's just how daddy likes
and he drinks and smiles in pure delight
and when he dreams, he feels alive

strange days around the maypole
come what may we dare not smile
but in our eyes there is a sparkle
the reclaimed roads, the dusty miles

bluegill swim, the catfish moan
the bob white like a cannonade
she puts her mind to spinning yarn
a castle out on east west main

she built a bridge
one heart were hers and his
now he drinks the dew of heaven's bounty
the richest man in beaver county

she built a bridge
one heart where hers and his
now he drinks the dew of heaven's bounty
the richest man in beaver county

come what may we dare not smile

50 2023-09-22 23:16 *


The divine right of bloody kings
trade human souls for shiny things
yet even here the crumbs are sweet
come lawmen, gather from our feet
Taxfarm! Slavetown!
The poor and meek may pull a plow
Taxfarm! Salvetown!
Hidden stronghlds aren't pulled down
We eat the fat half from your plate
we quench your hope and quicken fate
we pave you roads of false egress
a thousand fates, each worse than death
if you want it, then you've got it
you can get it from me
if you've got it, then you want it
you can give it to me!
if you want it, ccome and get it
you can get it from me
if you've get it, there you have it
you can have it for free!
To justify the gem unset
work songs, chains, and crushing debt
we come in peace and mean no harm
for stolen fleece will keep us warm
Taxfarm! Slavetown!
The poor and meek may pull a plow!
Taxfarm! Slavetown!
Hidden strongholds aren't pulled down.

51 2023-10-15 03:02 *

The kiss is a small animal,
a sparrow with a broken wing.
It lights on your shoulder,
its feet so delicate,
its beak so sharp.

It nibbles at your ear,
its tongue a warm feather.
It flutters its wings,
its breath a whisper.

You close your eyes,
and the kiss is gone.

52 2023-10-15 05:31 *


Round and round the rainbow beckons
harken to the call? we reckon!
reptillian humanoids, star spangled

big man say so; no more here, tho
billy's got it ear to ear, so
no where journey what I's thinking
calling out: my heart is sinking

then again, where's wayward wesley?
hell's a poppin, hot and messy
planar origami got'em
pale and thin and at the bottom

sort of for a second saw it
can't describe just what to call it
damn sure half the country's on it
rubber bones and fractal vomit

star dust, puzzle dust, dummy dust
first one's free
puzzle dust, star dust, dummy dust
taste and see
star dust, puzzle dust, dummy dust
come with me
puzzle dust, star dust, 1,2,3


out on the road ways razzle dazzle
sparkling keys to gemstone castles
"maybe sunday?" said bojangles
asked around- he's got the angles

he was outrage: dubs and pretense
jocular jesting and angular nonsense
has all of the answers but doesn't make much sense
with binary art prints and nag champa incense

gazing at dandelions just how she'd reasoned
a lot or a little was hardly a treason
he waited sedated for six thousand seasons
no one was writing, the bumblebees freezing

guess nobody warned them, perhaps, of the gravity
the gravy of angels gave my brain a cavity
looking for heaven between the calamity
i know that i failed you, & know you're still mad at me

star dust, puzzle dust, dummy dust
first one's free
puzzle dust, star dust, dummy dust
taste and see
star dust, puzzle dust, dummy dust
come with me
puzzle dust, star dust, dummy dust

nobody nowhere never meant nothing to
nobody nowhere never meant nothing to
nobody nowhere never meant nothing to
to me, to me!
nobody nowhere never meant nothing to
nobody nowhere never meant nothing to
nobody nowhere never meant nothing to
to me, to me!

53 2023-12-20 04:50 *

(15 U.S.C. § 5001)

no more eat the bread of tears
come, feast the horn of plenty
come, drink with us the fountain of youth
we are great and we are many
milk and honey for the young
tears of joy for the wise
fill now your cup to overflow
and burdens lay aside
lions play here gently now
stir no more troubled years
yes, gently now the dove alights
come, wipe away your tears

54 2023-12-30 13:49 *

Hungover Lovesick Blues

Black light strobe light skeleton blood bath
Black light strobe light skeleton blood bath
Drunk off the stuff inside of a lava lamp
Skeleton blood bath

When we touch
When we kiss
Put it all on black
Eating out free bliss

Black light strobe light skeleton blood bath
Black light strobe light skeleton blood bath
Forsake evil and follow Jesus!
Skeleton blood bath

Break out the chainsaws


Black light strobe light skeleton blood bath
Black light strobe light skeleton blood bath
Eat the brainstem ye horrors of heaven!
Skeleton blood bath

55 2024-01-24 20:03

Suck me dry ye barren womb
Dig for me a pauper's tomb
Drown me in young mother's milk
Bury me with flies and filth

I have said this all before
Show me something to ignore
I am a pig, I am a dog
I am the excrement of G*d

Everything I think is wrong
Everything I hate is wrong
Everything I take is wrong
Everything I fake is wrong
Everything I think is wrong
Everything I hate is wrong
Everything I take is wrong
Everything I fake is wrong

I am Sin
the mouth of blasphemy
A tragic waste
The everyman enslaved
The coward's kiss
A timeless love betrayed
I couldn't say that I cared
To forsake everything

Bring on the dope, the KJV
Bring forth black hell of sanity
Deny me of my righteous name
Convince me of my every shame

Kiss me once and kill me twice
Lick away the sores and lice
Can you pass the acid test?
Tell me when there's nothing left

Everything I think is wrong
Everything I hate is wrong
Everything I take is wrong
Everything I fake is wrong
Everything I think is wrong
Everything I hate is wrong
Everything I take is wrong
Everything I fake is wrong

56 2024-02-02 23:52

I don't eat napkins
My soul is ever glowing
My soul is not my skin
I don't eat pumpkins
My hair is rotating
My arms are glowing

Who are you Julia
Are we friends or not
Are we somewhere here
Am I some kind of color
Am I some kind of napkin

Are you still staring at me
Julia, do you like pumpkins
Am I still glowing, I mean
Let's take the car and the road
Let's bake a cake together

Julia, let's go
We definitively should
There's so much cringe right know
I know you can't really love napkins

Lettuce is good
So is your ass Julia
Haha, Julia, you really know how to shine aren't you
Let's go to the dancing club or anywhere else you
Let's go get some food somewhere I am so hungry

57 2024-02-03 23:34

Comedy shitpost poetry






do not edit these