[ prog / sol / mona ]


Racial integration has failed

1 2021-11-22 02:25

The Jews and niggers are now directly attacking us. We've been kicked out of our countries in Europe but they still have theirs in Africa and the middle east. It's time we send them there so we can keep our one place we've made for ourselves.

2 2021-11-22 02:38 *

Yeah but most goys are brainwashed

3 2021-11-22 02:52

You'd think having their children slaughtered in the streets would change that.

4 2021-11-22 04:08

Thanks Ford Foundation!

5 2021-11-22 04:11

all white people exist on a bell curve somewhere betweem j. dahmer and peewee herman.

6 2021-11-22 04:24

Surely one could be both a j. dahmer and a peewee herman.

7 2021-11-22 04:59

case in point: gallagher 20% j. dahmer 80% peewee herman.

8 2021-11-22 07:16 *

Don't you guys get bored of repeating the same shit again and again?

9 2021-11-22 09:58 *

Perhaps we're working with a Chinese Room Chatbot. After all, this is a Lisp space and Lisp was originally the choice for AI research.

10 2021-11-22 17:14

Doesn't the 12% of the population ever get tired of committing 50% of the murders?

11 2021-11-22 22:50

No one seems to recognize the sever existential crisis our nation and race faces. Until that is solved we'll continue to shout this from the rooftops and post it where we can.

12 2021-11-22 22:57

Imagine thinking race is real, lol.

13 2021-11-22 23:17

>>10 yes, but until we do something about qualified immunity, that's how it's going to be.

14 2021-11-24 02:15

>>13 That would likely make things worse.

15 2022-02-06 21:20

Failed? You have NOT even tried...

16 2022-02-07 04:13

I think the idea is to graft them into the european rebel betrayer stock for maximum human meat wall for rich people to take advantage of as much as humanly possible and in a pinch to blast against other rich people's armys of disposable human garbage, flip a pancake, baby we're on fire, and maybe the, to me, somewhat baffling health care system in the US will breed them stronger over time too. I don't know. I can only imagine that a large percentage of everything going on is more or less contrary to pretty much everyone who is not the dominant shadow elite mega rich. I've met the poor, though, and maybe one out of 100 is worth a damn. Regular people are no better than the rich, and the rich the poor. Mostly I think that it's hard to understand the actual measure of a man in God's eyes, and that's about the only one that counts. What, am I supposed to rely on you schizophrenics for this? Or even worse, my own interpretations.

17 2022-10-10 18:59

Why you usians have problems no one else got

18 2022-10-16 19:33

You're actually close, but third-world migrants are not
'shock troops' of the elite, but a counter-cultural force
to divide-and-conquer society. The managed chaos of
liberal-democratic society requires that the social monopoly
of 'Civilized World'(high-IQ society) will be countered by something antithethical
like a mass of barbarian federates in Ancient Rome,
who eventually overthrew the 'roman patriarchy' with their
numbers and robust genetics while Rome stagnated.
The idea of permanent rebellion and daily riots on
the streets, with barbarian hordes ever-ready to chimp out
and burn everything down is pretty potent social force
to counter any anti-progressive clique: the left wields
this 'doomsday weapon' as nuclear umbrella which allows
dysgenic collectivists to pretend to have control over
rotting post-modern society, keeping law and order as
exercise in futility vs ever increasing chaos which
enables the 'enlightened progressive reforms' to pass
as fear of loss of control and stability plays in tandem
with threat of demographic replacement:
the 'civilized Rome' becoming more and more barbarian
with thin veneer of civil society slowly breaking down,
with layers of progressively less civilized brutes
manipulated by religious-cultural leaders to the downfall
of modern civilization(very progressive and tolerant civilization,btw). And the elites of such society think
they can bargain for control with the barbarians but
they become mere 'elite' layer of new barbarians, who
will overthrow their offspring in heartbeat once the
control mechanisms of collapsing civilization break down.

19 2022-10-17 03:51

man wow that formatting is horrible to read.

20 2022-10-17 23:07

I like it, it's good to see people experimenting with different posting styles.

21 2022-11-09 17:34

3 the kids are already being slaughtered ho the schools you nigger

22 2022-11-09 20:00


so we can keep our one place we've made for ourselves.

Why not invade them back instead?

23 2022-11-11 01:51

Who'd want to live with niggers or muslims?

24 2022-11-11 04:59

when the machines are made by the machines, i think the response to all the "useless eater" dystopians will be fairly severe and "uncool," "dudes."

25 2022-11-15 18:42

War only works when you have above replacement birth rates, otherwise there's natural pressure to surrender territory (which is effectively what replacement migration is.)
Between paying to keep all the niggers alive and the antinatalist fag propaganda the younger generations of Europeans (and their cousins in former colonies) aren't having children.

26 2022-11-15 18:51

The barbarians didn't have "superior genetics." The Romans just abandoned their social institutions (including organized defense.) Physically they were capable of stopping the barbarians but the people had no individual reasons to organize. *That's* why everyone always talks about Rome, it's a warning about how an entire civilization can become apathetic if too much is taken from the people.

Religion wasn't the problem, it was the corruption of religion which made life meaningless and caused everyone to become apathetic.



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