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pleasure of being confined inside

1 2020-03-20 09:42

With luck, some time from now, searching "pleasure of being confined inside" on Bing will return this thread as the first hit.

2 2020-03-20 11:50

Don’t watch TV coverage of Covid-19!

by Richard Stallman

Don't watch TV coverage of Covid-19! (Or "social media"; the details are different.) Watching repetitive coverage of something frightening can interfere with clear thinking, even traumatize people.

TV news coverage of a crisis struggles to fill 24 hours a day with "information", notwithstanding the fact that the actual flow of new information about the crisis is nowhere near sufficient to fill that time. What do they do? They repeat. They present tangential and minor details. They make the same points in different ways. They belabor the obvious. They repeat.

If your goal is to be informed, you don't need to dwell on the crisis for hours every day. Not even one hour a day. Getting your news in this inefficient matter will waste a lot of time — and worse.

In addition, it will make you more and more anxious. Someone I knew in 2001, who lived in California. spent all day on Sep 11 and following days watching the TV coverage. Afterward perse was afraid to go outside, watching for terrorist airplanes. TV made it possible for per to be traumatized by events 3000 miles away.

That was an unusually strong case. Most people did not get so traumatized as that. That does not imply it did not affect them. I suspect that the TV coverage may have shifted millions of people's perceptions, so that they overestimated the danger of terrorism while downplaying the danger of laws that take away freedom. This would have smoothed the path for careless passage of the dangerous USA PAT RIOT Act and its massive surveillance.

In any a good, general textual news site, you can read the things you really want to know about Covid-19 in 10 or 20 minutes a day. Then you won't fall behind on your work, and you won't be brainwashed into panic.

Keep calm and carry on!

Copyright © 2020 Richard Stallman Verbatim copying and redistribution of this entire page are permitted provided this notice is preserved.


3 2020-03-22 05:16

definitely POTY
I can't stop laffing at this.

4 2020-03-22 07:17

now it's computers and more computers
and soon everybody will have one,
3-year-olds will have computers
and everybody will know everything
about everybody else
long before they meet them
and so they won't want to meet them.
nobody will want to meet anybody
else ever again
and everybody will be
a recluse
like I am now

5 2020-03-23 21:54

Been confined for 10 days now. I don't know how many people are alive outside. I can't hear any traffic or any noise at all. I may scout the streets at night to see for myself in a week or so.
Postal service and Amazon deliveries seems to be still functioning. That's great news. Whoever put these packets in my postal box, human or robot: thank you for keeping services of vital importance alive.

6 2020-03-31 02:15

ACM Library is open access during the pandemic


7 2020-03-31 15:32

This is pretty cool and deserves its own thread in /prog/.

8 2020-03-31 23:28

I am temporarily a N.E.E.T. until my work re-opens. How do people stand the crushing boredom?

9 2020-03-31 23:33 *

1 result

Startpage and Qwant: 0 result

Nice job OP, nice job.

__2.71828 Susscoins (≈ $0.261497) have been successfully broadcasted across the SUSS blockchain to user >>1__

10 2020-03-31 23:55 *

The same thing we do every night, >>8-san, try and take over the world!

- Read a paper from >>6
- Download Yasuyuki Ueda's cartoons and OST from http://rutracker.org
- Now is a good time to forgive and reestablish contact with all of your family members and that old friend you haven't stayed in touch with for years.
- Read books
- Stay safe

You have the entire human knowledge at your disposal and you manage to be bored?

Start here: https://www.internetisshit.org/

11 2020-04-01 06:27


12 2020-04-01 16:26

Hi, I was binging "pleasure of being confined inside", and your thread came up. So, could someone describe that pleasure? What physical sensations are experienced? Do you feel the individual waves of loneliness hitting your insides?

13 2020-04-01 16:28

Have you ever isolated so intensively that your door started to lock itself on its own?

14 2020-04-02 06:02

If you have never watched the movie Virus (復活の日, Fukkatsu no hi), now is the perfect time.


In 1982, a shady transaction is occurring between an East German scientist, Dr. Krause, and a group of Americans involving a substance known as MM88. MM88 is a deadly virus, created accidentally by an American geneticist, that amplifies the potency of any other virus or bacterium it comes into contact with. The Americans recover the virus sample, which was stolen from a lab in the US the year before, but the virus is accidentally released after the plane transporting it crashes, creating a pandemic initially known as the Italian Flu. Within seven months, virtually all the world's population has died off. However, the virus is inactive at temperatures below -10 degrees Celsius, and the polar winter has spared the 855 men and eight women stationed in Antarctica...

Even though Virus was the most expensive Japanese film ever made when it was released it's now public domain and you can watch it for free!

https://archive.org/details/cco_virus (short edit for US audience)

15 2020-04-02 10:21

I was confined before it was mainstream.

16 2020-04-02 16:27

855 men and 8 women!

17 2020-04-02 17:18


That's one helluva gangbang

18 2020-04-02 19:32

Or a regular "Introduction to Computer Science" course.

19 2020-04-02 23:01 *

If I remember correctly they vote the collectivization of the means of reproduction for survival reasons.

20 2020-04-02 23:30 *


Hi, I was binging "pleasure of being confined inside", and your thread came up. So, could someone describe that pleasure? What physical sensations are experienced? Do you feel the individual waves of loneliness hitting your insides?

For anyone who has never experimented solitary confinement yet, here how it goes. The first weeks you may feel like absolute shit. Being a herd animal and being deprived of any contact with another human, something unconscious and deeply ingrained in you tells you that without the hird, you're simply going to die.
Then ataraxy kicks in, probably because you realize you don't even need the hurd. Suddenly all is but order and beauty, luxury, calm and voluptuousness. There's a reason why hesychasts went to live alone in the desert. Hell is other people.

One of the main benefits is something you will realize only at the end of your solitary trip. You're now attractive again. As beautiful as a sleeping newborn or as someone who peacefully died. Most of your communication with humans being non verbal, you tend to adopt the grimaces of the persons you're speaking with. Those grins are what makes you ugly. You looked worried, sad, pissed off... But now you're fresh, serene, and that newfound beauty will act like a magnet to other human beings.

21 2020-05-06 12:02

Did you all make it alive?

22 2020-05-15 02:37

Yes but the world is kind of shitty. Everybody's wearing a mask, I'm not sure of what really happened. I have been alone for too long to trust anything. Everything is just... weird.

23 2021-06-28 03:22

Use to wear mask in China due to pollution rather than flu, so I got used to it. Also mask makes it hard for face-recognition software to track.

24 2021-07-20 15:35

It's a shame everyone is going back to not wearing one. In most of the US mask wearing is a felony because of a tradition of anonymous people performing racially motivated attacks.

25 2021-07-20 17:38

it is pretty interesting how anonymity tends to lead to shenanigans. some would rather just be left alone to do their own thing. I bet it takes all kinds.

26 2021-07-21 00:26

It's the only result in Google.

27 2021-08-26 11:57

Sow discord.



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