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Demo Software - Important Notes:

Massive updating of this section is currently underway. Meridian Marketing has available working Demos of each program listed in our technology roster, and soon they will all be available here.

If you do not find the product you are looking for listed here, but wish to receive a copy for testing, please feel free to contact us.   Contact Meridian Marketing Group

Orka 4.0 Demo 1.37 MB. 1.14 MB.

1. After downloading the files, unzip them into a single temporary directory and run the SETUP program. 

2. When prompted to insert the second diskette, simply click yes.

3. In the created 'Orka 4.0' directory run 'Demo'.


O'INCA Design Framework Demo 1.08MB.

1. After downloading the file, unzip it into a single temporary directory and run the SETUP program. 


inerfea1.exe 1.14MB.

inerfea2.exe 475KB.

inertut.exe 1.19MB.

1. Downloading each .exe file, into a separate temporary directory and unzip. Copy all the files in each directory, except the .exe file, onto separate diskettes. The first two constitute a self- executing demo and you start the installation from the first diskette by executing the SETUP program; the third is a tutorial, and you will have to telephone us at (520) 282-6300 to get the passwrod and the documentation. 

SimFuzz Demo Download Files 43KB. 2.34MB.

After downloading the files, unzip them in a temporary directory and run the SETUP program.

GPSS/H Demo Download Files 1.25MB. 90KB.

Download the two ".exe" files into two separate temporary directories, and unzip them each in its own directory. Transfer the files in each directory to separate floppy disks (less the original ".exe" files). Number the diskettes "1" and "2" corresponding to the two ".exe" files "gpss1.exe" and "gpss2.exe". Then insert diskette 1 and run the INSTALL program.

MetaEdit+ Download Files: (Phone us at (520) 282-6300 for the current password.)

me_demo.exe 3.84MB.

evalhtml.tar 868KB.

evalhtml.exe 629KB.

ACOS PLUS 1 Download Files

The following programs may be downloaded for evaluation purposes, and may be distributed freely. Unzip up&run.exe and read README.txt.

up&run.exe 532KB.

CS Project Download Files - See below for instructions and program descriptions.

The following programs may be downloaded for evaluation purposes, and may be distributed freely:

cspldemo.exe 1.33MB.

csppdemo.exe l.63MB.

cspdsamp.exe l.31MB.

csprdemo.exe l.83MB.

After downloading the files, unzip them in a temporary directory and install as per instructions below.

Installation instructions:

1. Download the desired demo by clicking on the underlined text. 2. Run the file you just downloaded to install the program. 3. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

CS Project Lite - file name: CSPLDEMO.EXE

This is a full copy of CS Project Lite (with the basic help system). Saving is limited to 10 tasks and printing has been disabled. The screen preview can be used to preview the reports.

CS Project Professional - file name: CSPPDEMO.EXE

This is a full copy of CS Project Professional (with the basic help system). Saving is limited to IO tasks and printing has been disabled. The screen preview can be used to preview the reports.

Additional help and sample projects - file name: CSPDSAMP.EXE

This file contains additional help on CS Project Lite and Professional, as well as some sample projects. You must download one of the working models (above) in order to utilise these files. It is important that these files are installed in the same directory as the CS Project Working Model.

CS Proiect self-running demo - file name: CSPRDEMO.EXE

This is a self-running demo of CS Project Professional and CS Project Lite.

Point Line Demo Download Files

The following programs may be downloaded for evaluation purposes, and may be distributed freely see install.htm for instructions:

pointline.exe 5.75MB.

install.htm 10KB.


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©1998 Meridian Marketing Group, Inc.
Last revised: August 28, 1998