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[Dancing Cranes]



My Webbed Friends
Andreas ~ Andrew ~ Bas ~ Bernhard ~ Charlie ~ Dan ~ Dave and Mary ~ Eberhard ~ Jack and Shannon ~ Jennifer ~ John ~ John ~ Ken ~ Loren ~ Mark ~ Matt ~ Parker ~ Richard ~ Sean ~ Shankar ~ Shannon ~ Victor


My Webbed and UnWebbed Family
Bertil ~ Enedina ~ Hugh ~ Hugh (born 8/13/97!) ~ Mary ~ Teel ~ Tom


my biz and my professional and academic interests ~ my résumé ~ my picture ~ contacting me


New York City, My Current Home
Yahoo! New York ~ newyork.sidewalk (this site is too noisy IMHO) ~ WFUV ~ nyc.* news groups ~ NYC ISPs listed at Computer Currents (non table and table), The List (area code 212 and 718), and at Yahoo!.


Some of My Interests
books ~ cohousing ~ health ~ environment and nature ~ meditation ~ movies ~ public transportation and carless cities ~ tea ~ urban studies ~ vegetarianism ~ yoga


news of the weird ~ no way ~ ZUG


Some Things I Wonder About
  • What's the best way to wash fruits and vegetables to be sure that pesticides and bacteria are removed?

  • Is there any reason not to use the British way of washing dishes where you put the soapy dish in the dish drainer without rinsing (gasp!), and let it dry? I like this method a lot but I wonder if that dried on soap might be a problem when I eat/drink off the dish?

  • Some other things are listed at Infinite Ink's Looking For...


Continental Airlines and their discount coupons in the Entertainment Book ~ distilled water ~ Dover books ~ Eagle Creek backpacks ~ 10¢ per minute (or less) phone cards such as New York Phone Card ~ New Scientist magazine ~ non-commercial radio such as National Public Radio ~ U.S. Postal Service ~ Zia Cosmetics


L car rental insurance, which can be especially expensive if you don't have a car and thus don't have anything covered by your own policy, and the lack of straight answers from rental agents; some information is at OnlineTravel and Advertising Law Internet Site
L commercials shown at movie theatres (one of the worst offenders is Cineplex Odious [sic!])
L health insurance in the U.S.
L junk e and surface mail
L kitty litter in plastic containers
L National Van Lines for taking a month longer than they promised -- and a month longer than the U.S. Postal Service took to ship my books -- to move my things across the U.S. And then not reimbursing me for my expenses associated with their delay after they said they would reimburse me; all this in spite of my being nice and saying ``no you don't need to air freight my computer to me.''
L overpriced math books (anything over about $70)
L stock market reports every hour on the radio (common wisdom is to look in on your stocks about once every six months) and the way announcers use a different voice depending on whether the market is up or down (what happened to neutral reporting?)


Note to Web Purists
I'm still a bit of a Web purist, as you can tell from looking at my Infinite Ink pages, but I'm not nearly as fanatical as some of the folks who participate in comp.infosystems.www.authoring.*. This page is my experiment at breaking the often-shouted ``Don't Use <FONT FACE=anything>'' rule. The font you see on this page -- if it's on your system and your browser supports the FONT FACE tag -- is Comic Sans MS and you can find out about it at the Comic Sans Café. If the font looks bad on your system, could you tell me what operating system and browser you're using? I'm curious to find out what, if any, systems get trashed by my use of the evil FONT FACE tag.


[Dancing Cranes][Dancing Cranes][Dancing Cranes]
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