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  W.K. Kellogg  Radiation Lab

The Kellogg Radiation Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology performs experimental and theoretical research in areas of nuclear physics, particle physics, and astrophysics. The experimental research program is focused on the fundamental structure and interactions of nucleons and hadronic systems and the use of nuclear physics to perform precision tests of the standard electroweak theory. A substantial part of the experimental program involves studies of parity violation in electron scattering from nucleons, nuclei, and electrons. A program to exploit a new intense source of ultra-cold neutrons in Los Alamos will study the beta asymmetry in neutron decay with unprecedented precision as well as other fundamental properties of neutrons. The broad program of theoretical studies addresses topics in these and other areas of physical science.

Further information on the laboratory's activities and personnel can be obtained by selecting from the following:

This home page was created on January 20th, 1994. Last updated 23 July 2001. 

Contact Leona Kershaw, with suggestions and comments.