Physics of fluids and nonlinear physics

Sorbonne Université
Automne - Hiver
Niveau Master 2 6 ECTS - En anglais
Cours optionnel pour le parcours de Soft matter and biological physics M2
Enseignant(s) Arnaud ANTKOWIAK
Chargé(s) de TD Camille DUPRAT ( Polytechnique )
Contact - Secrétariat de l’enseignement

Objectives : the lecture will present a broad overview of fluid mechanics at all scales, from bacterias to stars.

After a review of hydrodynamics fundamentals (conservation laws and boundary conditions), the lecture will stroll through two main themes, Low Reynolds number hydrodynamics and inertia-dominated flows. 

A particular focus on thin films will allow for a description of flows as diverse as the relaxation of micron-thick viscous polymer melts up to planet-sized atmospherical flows.


Through worked-out examples, the fundamentals of flow modelling will be introduced :

  • key concepts (boundary layers, waves and flow instabilities),
  •  physical mechanisms (diffusive/convective fluxes, vortex induction),
  •  techniques (scale invariance and thin films), and
  • approaches (quick order of magnitude estimates vs more refined
    asymptotic analyses).

Continued form of evaluation to be determined, for example 1 project + 2 written evaluations