HERNDON, VA – September 26, 2006
Surety, LLC, the leading provider of electronic data integrity solutions, announced today that it will host a second set of Webinars this fall. The first Webinar, “Building a Business Strategy for Intellectual Property Protection”, will be held on Tuesday, October 10th from 2 – 3 PM EST. This Webinar will address the risk that senior executives assume when defending their companies’ intellectual property rights in the face of a legal challenge. Intended to engage corporate executives, inside counsel, law firms, IT managers and key leaders in the research community, there will be open dialogue on critical discussions surrounding the risk, legal impact and business value of tangible and intangible intellectual capital assets, and the business records that support them.
“In our first series, our goal was to explore the core issues related to how electronic data are stored and managed and the potential risks e-records pose to businesses as a result of recently passed legislation,” said Tom Klaff, CEO of Surety, LLC. “We feel that in our second series – the true business value behind data integrity solutions will be highlighted. We intend to leverage our discussion from the Spring series, and discuss the negative impact that data manipulation can have on IP ownership rights and how companies can mitigate the risk of IP loss.”
The first Webinar, “Building a Business Strategy for Intellectual Property Protection”, will be run as an industry roundtable and be moderated by Tom Koulopoulos, President of Perot Systems Innovation Lab (formerly Delphi Group). Koulopoulos and panelists will discuss the tactics, strategies and solutions available today to protect key intellectual assets while at the same time accelerate innovation, improve productivity and decrease the cost of doing business. This Webinar will also features well-known industry experts from Cyber Security Industry Alliance (CSIA), Betterley Risk Consultants, Shapiro Sher Guinot & Sandler and Symyx.
The second Webinar in the fall series, “Patent Evidence Creation in a Electronic R&D Environment” will be held on Tuesday, November 7th from 2 – 3 PM EST. Michael H. Elliott, President of Atrium Research will moderate a panel of experts who will will debunk the myth that paper records are more secure and trustworthy than electronic records in an R&D setting. The panel will discuss strategies, tactics and well-documented procedures that support the use of electronic records in a laboratory environment.
About Surety, LLC
Founded in 1994, by two prominent Bellcore Scientists, Surety is recognized as a premiere trusted time-stamp authority. The Company’s flagship product AbsoluteProof® provides a security procedure that objectively demonstrate the time and content integrity of electronic records, and places their client organizations in the strongest possible position if and when the legal credibility of that data is challenged by an opposing party. For more information, visit http://www.surety.com.