Congratulations to the Fall Class of 2012

Congratulations to students who are graduating at the convocation ceremony on November 14, 2012.

The Fall Class of 2012 includes two Doctor of Philosophy graduates, one Master of Laws graduate, and 24 Juris Doctor graduates.

His Worship Dean Fortin ('84) will be giving an alumni address at convocation in honour of UVic's 50th Anniversary year. Mayor Fortin also holds a BA ('81) and a MA in Education ('97) from UVic.

His Honour, the Honourable Steven L. Point will receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree during the ceremony. His Honour's spouse, Her Honour, Mrs. Gwendolyn Rose Point will be receiving a Honorary Doctor of Education during the ceremony as well.

The Faculty celebrates their achievements and academic accomplishments, and also acknowledges the many contributions that they have made to the UVic Law community.

Congratulations to the Fall Class of 2012!